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Showing posts from June, 2017

Diary of a First Year Grad Student

What I thought was an impossible dream a year and half ago, I am now through my first year of it. I was nervous starting grad school and sometimes to this day, the imposter feeling creeps up. Regardless I made it and without some essentials it would have been almost impossible. --> Friends Are Chosen Family: Grad school can be difficult and a lot of people don’t know but you must create a support system for yourself. I think one of the ways I was successful was having a study group and friends around me that encouraged me through it all. It was also a nice reminder that I was not in it by myself, there were 75 other students in my class that were going through it with me and that I could do it.  Getting A Mentor Is The Shortcut To Success: One of the best things that UTSW did at the beginning of the year was pair you up with an upper class(wo)men to help you navigate through your first year. I had a big sib and made some great relationships with other upper class(wo...