It’s been forever since I last wrote. And I would like to blame that on the craziness of being a 2 nd year in graduate school! I don’t even know where the summer went and the next thing I know I am being thrown into the deep-end of 2 nd year. I think of all the years 2 nd year will be the hardest. Lucky for me, my qualifying exam is not until next semester. So, you would think I can take this semester to think about my quals and getting off with my research project. Unfortunately, it seems like the exact opposite! I did however get to make and present my first poster ever last Friday! Somehow, I have found myself really involved on campus, off campus, and in lab! Although I would not have it any other way. My best advice for this time of the year… Get organized, get working, don’t forget to relax when possible! ~Cell-ebraTez
Scientists are CELLebraties too