Not have
taken any time off during Thanksgiving/Christmas/New Years, I am totally ready
for a vacation! Like any person, I thought to do a quick Google search on
mini-vacations to take alone. Something nice and relaxing, not too expensive, weekend trip, drive-able distance.
Here’s how my search went.
First reaction: I was taken aback! Why can’t I, as a single
woman decide to take a vacation by myself? Does it have to be an Eat Pray Love
kinda situation? Of course, I was just briefly and quickly browsing for some ideas, and if I would have
paid closer attention to the captions for each website, the first website DOES say it’s for divorcees.
But that makes me question… why? Why is that the first
option? Why couldn’t the 2nd option be at the top instead? There are other links that I could go to, that might have great options. Or just refine my search. But the uneasiness of why the first option was a link to vacations to take as a divorcee?
I do need a
vacation so decided to browse the website, maybe it will inspire an idea.
Unfortunately, while the ideas on the web page were great, a bit out of my
price range and too far! I am looking for something within the US, something I
can drive to over a weekend.
So the question remains… where should I go for a quick
mini-vacation? Or should I be on the hunt for a husband… to then get divorced
to… to then finally go on one of these trips suggested by the website above?!
Things to consider ehh!!
Let me know if you have ideas for a fun, quick, relaxing mini-vacation! Or... if you know of a place to find a husband
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