Besides the obvious reason that it’s also Birthday!! There are so many reasons to love Valentine’s Day!
Why is it that so many people hate this holiday and find it
pointless? I find a lot of random holidays pointless, but I still acknowledge
them. Especially in today’s world where everyone is so busy with their lives and so much chaos in the world, why not dedicate a special day to celebrate love!?
While I have never had a relationship or a special valentine
during this time of the year, I have realized that I have SO many other
relationships that need acknowledgement on how much I care for them and love
them. And it's the perfect time to LOVE myself and Pamper myself (also cuz it's my birthday and I love birthdays!)
Don’t forget to tell the people around you how much you care
for them and love them! And if you are lucky to have a special someone in your
life, make him or her feel like the luckiest person in the world!!
~Celle-braTez @{--
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